Below is a list of potential QWERTY keyboard 'typos' (typing mistakes) for the phrase 'web site', from the free online typo generator. Enter another phrase to see possible typing errors, or select from one of the "top typos" charts.
web site
ewb site
wbe site
we bsite
webs ite
web iste
web stie
web siet
bew site
w besite
wes bite
webis te
web tise
web seti
wsb eite
wei sbte
webtsi e
web eits
ws beite
weis bte
webtis e
web etis
ew bsite
ewbs ite
ewb iste
ewb stie
ewb siet
wbes ite
wbe iste
wbe stie
wbe siet
we biste
we bstie
we bsiet
webs tie
webs iet
web iset
ebw site
wb esite
we sbite
websi te
web itse
web stei
bwe site
w ebsite
wesb ite
webi ste
web tsie
web seit
eb site
wb site
we site
web ite
web ste
web sie
web sit
wweb site
weeb site
webb site
web site
web ssite
web siite
web sitte
web sitee
QWERTY Substitution
qeb site
eeb site
wwb site
wrb site
wev site
wen site
web aite
web dite
web sute
web sote
web sire
web siye
web sitw
web sitr
QWERTY Repetition after
wqeb site
weeb site
wewb site
werb site
webv site
webn site
web saite
web sdite
web siute
web siote
web sitre
web sitye
web sitew
web siter
QWERTY Repetition before
qweb site
eweb site
wweb site
wreb site
wevb site
wenb site
web asite
web dsite
web suite
web soite
web sirte
web siyte
web sitwe
web sitre
QWERTY Substitution Transposed
eqb site
qbe site
qe bsite
qebs ite
qeb iste
qeb stie
qeb siet
ebe site
ee bsite
eebs ite
eeb iste
eeb stie
eeb siet
wbw site
ww bsite
wwbs ite
wwb iste
wwb stie
wwb siet
rwb site
wbr site
wr bsite
wrbs ite
wrb iste
wrb stie
wrb siet
ewv site
wve site
we vsite
wevs ite
wev iste
wev stie
wev siet
ewn site
wne site
we nsite
wens ite
wen iste
wen stie
wen siet
ewb aite
wbe aite
we baite
weba ite
web iate
web atie
web aiet
ewb dite
wbe dite
we bdite
webd ite
web idte
web dtie
web diet
ewb sute
wbe sute
we bsute
webs ute
web uste
web stue
web suet
ewb sote
wbe sote
we bsote
webs ote
web oste
web stoe
web soet
ewb sire
wbe sire
we bsire
webs ire
web isre
web srie
web sier
ewb siye
wbe siye
we bsiye
webs iye
web isye
web syie
web siey
ewb sitw
wbe sitw
we bsitw
webs itw
web istw
web stiw
web siwt
ewb sitr
wbe sitr
we bsitr
webs itr
web istr
web stir
web sirt
Transposition = adjacent pairs of letters are swapped
Omission = individual letters are missed out
Repetition = individual letters are entered twice consecutively
QWERTY substitution = letters are replaced by each of their QWERTY-keyboard based physical neighbours (e.g. 'h' gets replaced with y, u, j, n, b, g)
QWERTY repetition type 1 = letters are followed by each of their QWERTY-keyboard neighbours
QWERTY repetition type 2 = letters are preceded by each of their QWERTY-keyboard neighbours