Below is a list of potential QWERTY keyboard 'typos' (typing mistakes) for the phrase 'sofft shoe', from the free online typo generator. Enter another phrase to see possible typing errors, or select from one of the "top typos" charts.
sofft shoe
osfft shoe
sfoft shoe
softf shoe
soff tshoe
soffts hoe
sofft hsoe
sofft sohe
sofft sheo
fosft shoe
sffot shoe
sotff shoe
sof tfshoe
soffs thoe
soffths oe
sofft ohse
sofft seoh
fofst shoe
stffo shoe
so ftfshoe
sofst fhoe
soffh stoe
sofftosh e
sofft ehos
ffost shoe
stffo shoe
so tffshoe
sofs tfhoe
soffhs toe
sofftohs e
sofft eohs
osfft shoe
osff tshoe
osffts hoe
osfft hsoe
osfft sohe
osfft sheo
sfof tshoe
sfofts hoe
sfoft hsoe
sfoft sohe
sfoft sheo
soff tshoe
soffts hoe
sofft hsoe
sofft sohe
sofft sheo
softfs hoe
softf hsoe
softf sohe
softf sheo
soff thsoe
soff tsohe
soff tsheo
soffts ohe
soffts heo
sofft hseo
ofsft shoe
sffot shoe
softf shoe
soft fshoe
soff sthoe
sofftsh oe
sofft hose
sofft soeh
fsoft shoe
sfoft shoe
sotff shoe
sof ftshoe
soffst hoe
soffth soe
sofft oshe
sofft seho
offt shoe
sfft shoe
soft shoe
soff shoe
sofft hoe
sofft soe
sofft she
sofft sho
ssofft shoe
soofft shoe
soffft shoe
sofftt shoe
sofft shoe
sofft sshoe
sofft shhoe
sofft shooe
sofft shoee
QWERTY Substitution
aofft shoe
dofft shoe
sifft shoe
spfft shoe
sodft shoe
sogft shoe
sofdt shoe
sofgt shoe
soffr shoe
soffy shoe
sofft ahoe
sofft dhoe
sofft sgoe
sofft sjoe
sofft shie
sofft shpe
sofft show
sofft shor
QWERTY Repetition after
saofft shoe
sdofft shoe
soifft shoe
sopfft shoe
sofdft shoe
sofgft shoe
soffdt shoe
soffgt shoe
sofftr shoe
soffty shoe
sofft sahoe
sofft sdhoe
sofft shgoe
sofft shjoe
sofft shoie
sofft shope
sofft shoew
sofft shoer
QWERTY Repetition before
asofft shoe
dsofft shoe
siofft shoe
spofft shoe
sodfft shoe
sogfft shoe
sofdft shoe
sofgft shoe
soffrt shoe
soffyt shoe
sofft ashoe
sofft dshoe
sofft sghoe
sofft sjhoe
sofft shioe
sofft shpoe
sofft showe
sofft shore
QWERTY Substitution Transposed
oafft shoe
afoft shoe
aoftf shoe
aoff tshoe
aoffts hoe
aofft hsoe
aofft sohe
aofft sheo
odfft shoe
dfoft shoe
doftf shoe
doff tshoe
doffts hoe
dofft hsoe
dofft sohe
dofft sheo
isfft shoe
sfift shoe
siftf shoe
siff tshoe
siffts hoe
sifft hsoe
sifft sohe
sifft sheo
psfft shoe
sfpft shoe
spftf shoe
spff tshoe
spffts hoe
spfft hsoe
spfft sohe
spfft sheo
osdft shoe
sdoft shoe
sofdt shoe
sodtf shoe
sodf tshoe
sodfts hoe
sodft hsoe
sodft sohe
sodft sheo
osgft shoe
sgoft shoe
sofgt shoe
sogtf shoe
sogf tshoe
sogfts hoe
sogft hsoe
sogft sohe
sogft sheo
osfdt shoe
sfodt shoe
sodft shoe
softd shoe
sofd tshoe
sofdts hoe
sofdt hsoe
sofdt sohe
sofdt sheo
osfgt shoe
sfogt shoe
sogft shoe
softg shoe
sofg tshoe
sofgts hoe
sofgt hsoe
sofgt sohe
sofgt sheo
osffr shoe
sfofr shoe
sofrf shoe
soff rshoe
soffrs hoe
soffr hsoe
soffr sohe
soffr sheo
osffy shoe
sfofy shoe
sofyf shoe
soff yshoe
soffys hoe
soffy hsoe
soffy sohe
soffy sheo
osfft ahoe
sfoft ahoe
softf ahoe
soff tahoe
soffta hoe
sofft haoe
sofft aohe
sofft aheo
osfft dhoe
sfoft dhoe
softf dhoe
soff tdhoe
sofftd hoe
sofft hdoe
sofft dohe
sofft dheo
osfft sgoe
sfoft sgoe
softf sgoe
soff tsgoe
soffts goe
sofft gsoe
sofft soge
sofft sgeo
osfft sjoe
sfoft sjoe
softf sjoe
soff tsjoe
soffts joe
sofft jsoe
sofft soje
sofft sjeo
osfft shie
sfoft shie
softf shie
soff tshie
soffts hie
sofft hsie
sofft sihe
sofft shei
osfft shpe
sfoft shpe
softf shpe
soff tshpe
soffts hpe
sofft hspe
sofft sphe
sofft shep
osfft show
sfoft show
softf show
soff tshow
soffts how
sofft hsow
sofft sohw
sofft shwo
osfft shor
sfoft shor
softf shor
soff tshor
soffts hor
sofft hsor
sofft sohr
sofft shro
sooft shoe
softt shoe
Transposition = adjacent pairs of letters are swapped
Omission = individual letters are missed out
Repetition = individual letters are entered twice consecutively
QWERTY substitution = letters are replaced by each of their QWERTY-keyboard based physical neighbours (e.g. 'h' gets replaced with y, u, j, n, b, g)
QWERTY repetition type 1 = letters are followed by each of their QWERTY-keyboard neighbours
QWERTY repetition type 2 = letters are preceded by each of their QWERTY-keyboard neighbours