Below is a list of potential QWERTY keyboard 'typos' (typing mistakes) for the phrase 'smart buy', from the free online typo generator. Enter another phrase to see possible typing errors, or select from one of the "top typos" charts.
smart buy
msart buy
samrt buy
smrat buy
smatr buy
smar tbuy
smartb uy
smart uby
smart byu
amsrt buy
sramt buy
smtra buy
sma trbuy
smarb tuy
smartub y
smart yub
rmast buy
starm buy
sm rtabuy
smabt ruy
smaru bty
ramst buy
stram buy
sm trabuy
smab truy
smarub ty
msrat buy
msar tbuy
msartb uy
msart uby
msart byu
samr tbuy
samrtb uy
samrt uby
samrt byu
smra tbuy
smratb uy
smrat uby
smrat byu
smatrb uy
smatr uby
smatr byu
smar tuby
smar tbyu
smartb yu
masrt buy
sarmt buy
smrta buy
smat rbuy
smar btuy
smartbu y
smart uyb
asmrt buy
srmat buy
smtar buy
sma rtbuy
smarbt uy
smartu by
smart ybu
mart buy
sart buy
smrt buy
smat buy
smar buy
smart uy
smart by
smart bu
ssmart buy
smmart buy
smaart buy
smarrt buy
smartt buy
smart buy
smart bbuy
smart buuy
smart buyy
QWERTY Substitution
amart buy
dmart buy
snart buy
smsrt buy
smaet buy
smatt buy
smarr buy
smary buy
smart vuy
smart nuy
smart byy
smart biy
smart but
smart buu
QWERTY Repetition after
samart buy
sdmart buy
smnart buy
smasrt buy
smaret buy
smartt buy
smartr buy
smarty buy
smart bvuy
smart bnuy
smart buyy
smart buiy
smart buyt
smart buyu
QWERTY Repetition before
asmart buy
dsmart buy
snmart buy
smsart buy
smaert buy
smatrt buy
smarrt buy
smaryt buy
smart vbuy
smart nbuy
smart byuy
smart biuy
smart buty
smart buuy
QWERTY Substitution Transposed
maart buy
aamrt buy
amrat buy
amatr buy
amar tbuy
amartb uy
amart uby
amart byu
mdart buy
damrt buy
dmrat buy
dmatr buy
dmar tbuy
dmartb uy
dmart uby
dmart byu
nsart buy
sanrt buy
snrat buy
snatr buy
snar tbuy
snartb uy
snart uby
snart byu
mssrt buy
ssmrt buy
smrst buy
smstr buy
smsr tbuy
smsrtb uy
smsrt uby
smsrt byu
msaet buy
samet buy
smeat buy
smate buy
smae tbuy
smaetb uy
smaet uby
smaet byu
msatt buy
samtt buy
smtat buy
smat tbuy
smattb uy
smatt uby
smatt byu
msarr buy
samrr buy
smrar buy
smar rbuy
smarrb uy
smarr uby
smarr byu
msary buy
samry buy
smray buy
smayr buy
smar ybuy
smaryb uy
smary uby
smary byu
msart vuy
samrt vuy
smrat vuy
smatr vuy
smar tvuy
smartv uy
smart uvy
smart vyu
msart nuy
samrt nuy
smrat nuy
smatr nuy
smar tnuy
smartn uy
smart uny
smart nyu
msart byy
samrt byy
smrat byy
smatr byy
smar tbyy
smartb yy
smart yby
msart biy
samrt biy
smrat biy
smatr biy
smar tbiy
smartb iy
smart iby
smart byi
msart but
samrt but
smrat but
smatr but
smar tbut
smartb ut
smart ubt
smart btu
msart buu
samrt buu
smrat buu
smatr buu
smar tbuu
smartb uu
smart ubu
Transposition = adjacent pairs of letters are swapped
Omission = individual letters are missed out
Repetition = individual letters are entered twice consecutively
QWERTY substitution = letters are replaced by each of their QWERTY-keyboard based physical neighbours (e.g. 'h' gets replaced with y, u, j, n, b, g)
QWERTY repetition type 1 = letters are followed by each of their QWERTY-keyboard neighbours
QWERTY repetition type 2 = letters are preceded by each of their QWERTY-keyboard neighbours