Below is a list of potential QWERTY keyboard 'typos' (typing mistakes) for the phrase 'shopping cart', from the free online typo generator. Enter another phrase to see possible typing errors, or select from one of the "top typos" charts.
shopping cart
hsopping cart
sohpping cart
shpoping cart
shopipng cart
shoppnig cart
shoppign cart
shoppin gcart
shoppingc art
shopping acrt
shopping crat
shopping catr
ohspping cart
spohping cart
shppoing cart
shoippng cart
shopnipg cart
shoppgni cart
shoppi gncart
shoppinc gart
shoppingac rt
shopping ract
shopping ctra
phosping cart
spophing cart
shippong cart
shonpipg cart
shopginp cart
shopp ngicart
shoppicg nart
shoppina cgrt
shoppingrca t
shopping tarc
pohsping cart
sppohing cart
shippong cart
shonippg cart
shopgnip cart
shopp gnicart
shoppic gnart
shoppinac grt
shoppingrac t
shopping trac
hspoping cart
hsopping cart
hsopipng cart
hsoppnig cart
hsoppin gcart
hsoppingc art
hsopping acrt
hsopping crat
hsopping catr
sohpping cart
sohpipng cart
sohppnig cart
sohppin gcart
sohppingc art
sohpping acrt
sohpping crat
sohpping catr
shpoipng cart
shpopnig cart
shpopin gcart
shpopingc art
shpoping acrt
shpoping crat
shpoping catr
shoppnig cart
shoppin gcart
shoppingc art
shopping acrt
shopping crat
shopping catr
shopipn gcart
shopipngc art
shopipng acrt
shopipng crat
shopipng catr
shoppni gcart
shoppnigc art
shoppnig acrt
shoppnig crat
shoppnig catr
shoppignc art
shoppign acrt
shoppign crat
shoppign catr
shoppin gacrt
shoppin gcrat
shoppin gcatr
shoppingc rat
shoppingc atr
shopping actr
hospping cart
sophping cart
shppoing cart
shopipng cart
shopinpg cart
shoppngi cart
shoppig ncart
shoppin cgart
shoppingca rt
shopping arct
shopping crta
oshpping cart
sphoping cart
shpoping cart
shoippng cart
shopnpig cart
shoppgin cart
shoppi ngcart
shoppincg art
shoppinga crt
shopping rcat
shopping ctar
hopping cart
sopping cart
shpping cart
shoping cart
shoppng cart
shoppig cart
shoppin cart
shopping art
shopping crt
shopping cat
shopping car
sshopping cart
shhopping cart
shoopping cart
shoppping cart
shoppiing cart
shoppinng cart
shoppingg cart
shopping cart
shopping ccart
shopping caart
shopping carrt
shopping cartt
QWERTY Substitution
ahopping cart
dhopping cart
sgopping cart
sjopping cart
shipping cart
shppping cart
shooping cart
shopoing cart
shoppung cart
shoppong cart
shoppibg cart
shoppimg cart
shoppinf cart
shoppinh cart
shopping xart
shopping vart
shopping csrt
shopping caet
shopping catt
shopping carr
shopping cary
QWERTY Repetition after
sahopping cart
sdhopping cart
shgopping cart
shjopping cart
shoipping cart
shoppping cart
shopoping cart
shoppoing cart
shoppiung cart
shoppiong cart
shoppinbg cart
shoppinmg cart
shoppingf cart
shoppingh cart
shopping cxart
shopping cvart
shopping casrt
shopping caret
shopping cartt
shopping cartr
shopping carty
QWERTY Repetition before
ashopping cart
dshopping cart
sghopping cart
sjhopping cart
shiopping cart
shpopping cart
shoopping cart
shopoping cart
shoppuing cart
shoppoing cart
shoppibng cart
shoppimng cart
shoppinfg cart
shoppinhg cart
shopping xcart
shopping vcart
shopping csart
shopping caert
shopping catrt
shopping carrt
shopping caryt
QWERTY Substitution Transposed
haopping cart
aohpping cart
ahpoping cart
ahopipng cart
ahoppnig cart
ahoppign cart
ahoppin gcart
ahoppingc art
ahopping acrt
ahopping crat
ahopping catr
hdopping cart
dohpping cart
dhpoping cart
dhopipng cart
dhoppnig cart
dhoppign cart
dhoppin gcart
dhoppingc art
dhopping acrt
dhopping crat
dhopping catr
gsopping cart
sogpping cart
sgpoping cart
sgopipng cart
sgoppnig cart
sgoppign cart
sgoppin gcart
sgoppingc art
sgopping acrt
sgopping crat
sgopping catr
jsopping cart
sojpping cart
sjpoping cart
sjopipng cart
sjoppnig cart
sjoppign cart
sjoppin gcart
sjoppingc art
sjopping acrt
sjopping crat
sjopping catr
hsipping cart
sihpping cart
shpiping cart
shipipng cart
shippnig cart
shippign cart
shippin gcart
shippingc art
shipping acrt
shipping crat
shipping catr
hsppping cart
sphpping cart
shppipng cart
shpppnig cart
shpppign cart
shpppin gcart
shpppingc art
shppping acrt
shppping crat
shppping catr
hsooping cart
sohoping cart
shopoing cart
shooipng cart
shoopnig cart
shoopign cart
shoopin gcart
shoopingc art
shooping acrt
shooping crat
shooping catr
hsopoing cart
sohpoing cart
shpooing cart
shooping cart
shopiong cart
shoponig cart
shopoign cart
shopoin gcart
shopoingc art
shopoing acrt
shopoing crat
shopoing catr
hsoppung cart
sohppung cart
shpopung cart
shopupng cart
shoppnug cart
shoppugn cart
shoppun gcart
shoppungc art
shoppung acrt
shoppung crat
shoppung catr
hsoppong cart
sohppong cart
shpopong cart
shopopng cart
shoppnog cart
shoppogn cart
shoppon gcart
shoppongc art
shoppong acrt
shoppong crat
shoppong catr
hsoppibg cart
sohppibg cart
shpopibg cart
shopipbg cart
shoppbig cart
shoppigb cart
shoppib gcart
shoppibgc art
shoppibg acrt
shoppibg crat
shoppibg catr
hsoppimg cart
sohppimg cart
shpopimg cart
shopipmg cart
shoppmig cart
shoppigm cart
shoppim gcart
shoppimgc art
shoppimg acrt
shoppimg crat
shoppimg catr
hsoppinf cart
sohppinf cart
shpopinf cart
shopipnf cart
shoppnif cart
shoppifn cart
shoppin fcart
shoppinfc art
shoppinf acrt
shoppinf crat
shoppinf catr
hsoppinh cart
sohppinh cart
shpopinh cart
shopipnh cart
shoppnih cart
shoppihn cart
shoppin hcart
shoppinhc art
shoppinh acrt
shoppinh crat
shoppinh catr
hsopping xart
sohpping xart
shpoping xart
shopipng xart
shoppnig xart
shoppign xart
shoppin gxart
shoppingx art
shopping axrt
shopping xrat
shopping xatr
hsopping vart
sohpping vart
shpoping vart
shopipng vart
shoppnig vart
shoppign vart
shoppin gvart
shoppingv art
shopping avrt
shopping vrat
shopping vatr
hsopping csrt
sohpping csrt
shpoping csrt
shopipng csrt
shoppnig csrt
shoppign csrt
shoppin gcsrt
shoppingc srt
shopping scrt
shopping crst
shopping cstr
hsopping caet
sohpping caet
shpoping caet
shopipng caet
shoppnig caet
shoppign caet
shoppin gcaet
shoppingc aet
shopping acet
shopping ceat
shopping cate
hsopping catt
sohpping catt
shpoping catt
shopipng catt
shoppnig catt
shoppign catt
shoppin gcatt
shoppingc att
shopping actt
shopping ctat
hsopping carr
sohpping carr
shpoping carr
shopipng carr
shoppnig carr
shoppign carr
shoppin gcarr
shoppingc arr
shopping acrr
shopping crar
hsopping cary
sohpping cary
shpoping cary
shopipng cary
shoppnig cary
shoppign cary
shoppin gcary
shoppingc ary
shopping acry
shopping cray
shopping cayr
shooping cart
shopiing cart
Transposition = adjacent pairs of letters are swapped
Omission = individual letters are missed out
Repetition = individual letters are entered twice consecutively
QWERTY substitution = letters are replaced by each of their QWERTY-keyboard based physical neighbours (e.g. 'h' gets replaced with y, u, j, n, b, g)
QWERTY repetition type 1 = letters are followed by each of their QWERTY-keyboard neighbours
QWERTY repetition type 2 = letters are preceded by each of their QWERTY-keyboard neighbours