Below is a list of potential QWERTY keyboard 'typos' (typing mistakes) for the phrase 'regal tip', from the free online typo generator. Enter another phrase to see possible typing errors, or select from one of the "top typos" charts.
regal tip
ergal tip
rgeal tip
reagl tip
regla tip
rega ltip
regalt ip
regal itp
regal tpi
geral tip
ragel tip
relag tip
reg latip
regat lip
regalit p
regal pit
aegrl tip
rlgae tip
re algtip
regtl aip
regai tlp
agerl tip
rlage tip
re lagtip
regt laip
regait lp
eragl tip
erga ltip
ergalt ip
ergal itp
ergal tpi
rgea ltip
rgealt ip
rgeal itp
rgeal tpi
reag ltip
reaglt ip
reagl itp
reagl tpi
reglat ip
regla itp
regla tpi
rega litp
rega ltpi
regalt pi
egral tip
rgael tip
realg tip
regl atip
rega tlip
regalti p
regal ipt
greal tip
raegl tip
relga tip
reg altip
regatl ip
regali tp
regal pti
egal tip
rgal tip
real tip
regl tip
rega tip
regal ip
regal tp
regal ti
rregal tip
reegal tip
reggal tip
regaal tip
regall tip
regal tip
regal ttip
regal tiip
regal tipp
QWERTY Substitution
eegal tip
tegal tip
rwgal tip
rrgal tip
refal tip
rehal tip
regsl tip
regak tip
regal rip
regal yip
regal tup
regal top
regal tio
QWERTY Repetition after
reegal tip
rtegal tip
rewgal tip
rergal tip
regfal tip
reghal tip
regasl tip
regalk tip
regal trip
regal tyip
regal tiup
regal tiop
regal tipo
QWERTY Repetition before
eregal tip
tregal tip
rwegal tip
rregal tip
refgal tip
rehgal tip
regsal tip
regakl tip
regal rtip
regal ytip
regal tuip
regal toip
regal tiop
QWERTY Substitution Transposed
egeal tip
eeagl tip
eegla tip
eega ltip
eegalt ip
eegal itp
eegal tpi
etgal tip
tgeal tip
teagl tip
tegla tip
tega ltip
tegalt ip
tegal itp
tegal tpi
wrgal tip
rgwal tip
rwagl tip
rwgla tip
rwga ltip
rwgalt ip
rwgal itp
rwgal tpi
rgral tip
rragl tip
rrgla tip
rrga ltip
rrgalt ip
rrgal itp
rrgal tpi
erfal tip
rfeal tip
reafl tip
refla tip
refa ltip
refalt ip
refal itp
refal tpi
erhal tip
rheal tip
reahl tip
rehla tip
reha ltip
rehalt ip
rehal itp
rehal tpi
ergsl tip
rgesl tip
resgl tip
regls tip
regs ltip
regslt ip
regsl itp
regsl tpi
ergak tip
rgeak tip
reagk tip
regka tip
rega ktip
regakt ip
regak itp
regak tpi
ergal rip
rgeal rip
reagl rip
regla rip
rega lrip
regalr ip
regal irp
regal rpi
ergal yip
rgeal yip
reagl yip
regla yip
rega lyip
regaly ip
regal iyp
regal ypi
ergal tup
rgeal tup
reagl tup
regla tup
rega ltup
regalt up
regal utp
regal tpu
ergal top
rgeal top
reagl top
regla top
rega ltop
regalt op
regal otp
regal tpo
ergal tio
rgeal tio
reagl tio
regla tio
rega ltio
regalt io
regal ito
regal toi
Transposition = adjacent pairs of letters are swapped
Omission = individual letters are missed out
Repetition = individual letters are entered twice consecutively
QWERTY substitution = letters are replaced by each of their QWERTY-keyboard based physical neighbours (e.g. 'h' gets replaced with y, u, j, n, b, g)
QWERTY repetition type 1 = letters are followed by each of their QWERTY-keyboard neighbours
QWERTY repetition type 2 = letters are preceded by each of their QWERTY-keyboard neighbours