Below is a list of potential QWERTY keyboard 'typos' (typing mistakes) for the phrase 'nfl lions', from the free online typo generator. Enter another phrase to see possible typing errors, or select from one of the "top typos" charts.
nfl lions
fnl lions
nlf lions
nf llions
nfll ions
nfl ilons
nfl loins
nfl linos
nfl liosn
lfn lions
n lflions
nflil ons
nfl oilns
nfl lnois
nfl lisno
nll fions
nfi llons
nfloli ns
nfl niols
nfl lsoni
nl lfions
nfil lons
nfloil ns
nfl noils
nfl lsnoi
fn llions
fnll ions
fnl ilons
fnl loins
fnl linos
fnl liosn
nlfl ions
nlf ilons
nlf loins
nlf linos
nlf liosn
nf lilons
nf lloins
nf llinos
nf lliosn
nfll oins
nfll inos
nfll iosn
nfl ilnos
nfl ilosn
nfl loisn
fln lions
nl flions
nf llions
nflli ons
nfl iolns
nfl lonis
nfl linso
lnf lions
n fllions
nfll ions
nfli lons
nfl olins
nfl lnios
nfl lison
fl lions
nl lions
nf lions
nfl ions
nfl lons
nfl lins
nfl lios
nfl lion
nnfl lions
nffl lions
nfll lions
nfl lions
nfl llions
nfl liions
nfl lioons
nfl lionns
nfl lionss
QWERTY Substitution
bfl lions
mfl lions
ndl lions
ngl lions
nfk lions
nfl kions
nfl luons
nfl loons
nfl liins
nfl lipns
nfl liobs
nfl lioms
nfl liona
nfl liond
QWERTY Repetition after
nbfl lions
nmfl lions
nfdl lions
nfgl lions
nflk lions
nfl lkions
nfl liuons
nfl lioons
nfl lioins
nfl liopns
nfl lionbs
nfl lionms
nfl lionsa
nfl lionsd
QWERTY Repetition before
bnfl lions
mnfl lions
ndfl lions
ngfl lions
nfkl lions
nfl klions
nfl luions
nfl loions
nfl liions
nfl lipons
nfl liobns
nfl liomns
nfl lionas
nfl lionds
QWERTY Substitution Transposed
fbl lions
blf lions
bf llions
bfll ions
bfl ilons
bfl loins
bfl linos
bfl liosn
fml lions
mlf lions
mf llions
mfll ions
mfl ilons
mfl loins
mfl linos
mfl liosn
dnl lions
nld lions
nd llions
ndll ions
ndl ilons
ndl loins
ndl linos
ndl liosn
gnl lions
nlg lions
ng llions
ngll ions
ngl ilons
ngl loins
ngl linos
ngl liosn
fnk lions
nkf lions
nf klions
nfkl ions
nfk ilons
nfk loins
nfk linos
nfk liosn
fnl kions
nlf kions
nf lkions
nflk ions
nfl ikons
nfl koins
nfl kinos
nfl kiosn
fnl luons
nlf luons
nf lluons
nfll uons
nfl ulons
nfl louns
nfl lunos
nfl luosn
fnl loons
nlf loons
nf lloons
nfll oons
nfl olons
nfl lonos
nfl loosn
fnl liins
nlf liins
nf lliins
nfll iins
nfl ilins
nfl linis
nfl liisn
fnl lipns
nlf lipns
nf llipns
nfll ipns
nfl ilpns
nfl lpins
nfl linps
nfl lipsn
fnl liobs
nlf liobs
nf lliobs
nfll iobs
nfl ilobs
nfl loibs
nfl libos
nfl liosb
fnl lioms
nlf lioms
nf llioms
nfll ioms
nfl iloms
nfl loims
nfl limos
nfl liosm
fnl liona
nlf liona
nf lliona
nfll iona
nfl ilona
nfl loina
nfl linoa
nfl lioan
fnl liond
nlf liond
nf lliond
nfll iond
nfl ilond
nfl loind
nfl linod
nfl liodn
Transposition = adjacent pairs of letters are swapped
Omission = individual letters are missed out
Repetition = individual letters are entered twice consecutively
QWERTY substitution = letters are replaced by each of their QWERTY-keyboard based physical neighbours (e.g. 'h' gets replaced with y, u, j, n, b, g)
QWERTY repetition type 1 = letters are followed by each of their QWERTY-keyboard neighbours
QWERTY repetition type 2 = letters are preceded by each of their QWERTY-keyboard neighbours