Below is a list of potential QWERTY keyboard 'typos' (typing mistakes) for the phrase 'my points', from the free online typo generator. Enter another phrase to see possible typing errors, or select from one of the "top typos" charts.
my points
ym points
m ypoints
myp oints
my opints
my pionts
my ponits
my poitns
my poinst
mp yoints
myop ints
my iopnts
my pniots
my potnis
my poistn
py moints
mo pyints
myipo nts
my noipts
my ptinos
my posnti
p ymoints
mop yints
myiop nts
my niopts
my ptnios
my postni
ymp oints
ym opints
ym pionts
ym ponits
ym poitns
ym poinst
m yopints
m ypionts
m yponits
m ypoitns
m ypoinst
myp ionts
myp onits
myp oitns
myp oinst
my opnits
my opitns
my opinst
my piotns
my pionst
my ponist
y mpoints
m pyoints
mypo ints
my oipnts
my pinots
my pontis
my poitsn
mpy oints
myo pints
my iponts
my pnoits
my potins
my poisnt
y points
m points
my oints
my pints
my ponts
my poits
my poins
my point
mmy points
myy points
my points
my ppoints
my pooints
my poiints
my poinnts
my pointts
my pointss
QWERTY Substitution
ny points
mt points
mu points
my ooints
my piints
my ppints
my pounts
my poonts
my poibts
my poimts
my poinrs
my poinys
my pointa
my pointd
QWERTY Repetition after
mny points
myt points
myu points
my pooints
my poiints
my popints
my poiunts
my poionts
my poinbts
my poinmts
my pointrs
my pointys
my pointsa
my pointsd
QWERTY Repetition before
nmy points
mty points
muy points
my opoints
my pioints
my ppoints
my pouints
my pooints
my poibnts
my poimnts
my poinrts
my poinyts
my pointas
my pointds
QWERTY Substitution Transposed
yn points
n ypoints
nyp oints
ny opints
ny pionts
ny ponits
ny poitns
ny poinst
tm points
m tpoints
mtp oints
mt opints
mt pionts
mt ponits
mt poitns
mt poinst
um points
m upoints
mup oints
mu opints
mu pionts
mu ponits
mu poitns
mu poinst
ym ooints
m yooints
myo oints
my oionts
my oonits
my ooitns
my ooinst
ym piints
m ypiints
myp iints
my ipints
my pinits
my piitns
my piinst
ym ppints
m yppints
myp pints
my pipnts
my ppnits
my ppitns
my ppinst
ym pounts
m ypounts
myp ounts
my opunts
my puonts
my ponuts
my poutns
my pounst
ym poonts
m ypoonts
myp oonts
my oponts
my ponots
my pootns
my poonst
ym poibts
m ypoibts
myp oibts
my opibts
my piobts
my pobits
my poitbs
my poibst
ym poimts
m ypoimts
myp oimts
my opimts
my piomts
my pomits
my poitms
my poimst
ym poinrs
m ypoinrs
myp oinrs
my opinrs
my pionrs
my ponirs
my poirns
my poinsr
ym poinys
m ypoinys
myp oinys
my opinys
my pionys
my poniys
my poiyns
my poinsy
ym pointa
m ypointa
myp ointa
my opinta
my pionta
my ponita
my poitna
my poinat
ym pointd
m ypointd
myp ointd
my opintd
my piontd
my ponitd
my poitnd
my poindt
Transposition = adjacent pairs of letters are swapped
Omission = individual letters are missed out
Repetition = individual letters are entered twice consecutively
QWERTY substitution = letters are replaced by each of their QWERTY-keyboard based physical neighbours (e.g. 'h' gets replaced with y, u, j, n, b, g)
QWERTY repetition type 1 = letters are followed by each of their QWERTY-keyboard neighbours
QWERTY repetition type 2 = letters are preceded by each of their QWERTY-keyboard neighbours