Below is a list of potential QWERTY keyboard 'typos' (typing mistakes) for the phrase 'gold star', from the free online typo generator. Enter another phrase to see possible typing errors, or select from one of the "top typos" charts.
gold star
ogld star
glod star
godl star
gol dstar
golds tar
gold tsar
gold satr
gold stra
logd star
gdlo star
go dlstar
gols dtar
goldts ar
gold atsr
gold srat
dolg star
g ldostar
gosd ltar
golt sdar
goldast r
gold rtas
dlog star
g dlostar
gos dltar
golts dar
goldats r
gold rats
ogl dstar
oglds tar
ogld tsar
ogld satr
ogld stra
glo dstar
glods tar
glod tsar
glod satr
glod stra
godls tar
godl tsar
godl satr
godl stra
gol dtsar
gol dsatr
gol dstra
golds atr
golds tra
gold tsra
olgd star
gldo star
god lstar
gol sdtar
goldst ar
gold tasr
gold sart
lgod star
gdol star
go ldstar
golsd tar
goldt sar
gold astr
gold srta
old star
gld star
god star
gol star
gold tar
gold sar
gold str
gold sta
ggold star
goold star
golld star
goldd star
gold star
gold sstar
gold sttar
gold staar
gold starr
QWERTY Substitution
fold star
hold star
gild star
gpld star
gokd star
gols star
golf star
gold atar
gold dtar
gold srar
gold syar
gold stsr
gold stae
gold stat
QWERTY Repetition after
gfold star
ghold star
goild star
gopld star
golkd star
golds star
goldf star
gold satar
gold sdtar
gold strar
gold styar
gold stasr
gold stare
gold start
QWERTY Repetition before
fgold star
hgold star
giold star
gpold star
gokld star
golsd star
golfd star
gold astar
gold dstar
gold srtar
gold sytar
gold stsar
gold staer
gold statr
QWERTY Substitution Transposed
ofld star
flod star
fodl star
fol dstar
folds tar
fold tsar
fold satr
fold stra
ohld star
hlod star
hodl star
hol dstar
holds tar
hold tsar
hold satr
hold stra
igld star
glid star
gidl star
gil dstar
gilds tar
gild tsar
gild satr
gild stra
pgld star
glpd star
gpdl star
gpl dstar
gplds tar
gpld tsar
gpld satr
gpld stra
ogkd star
gkod star
godk star
gok dstar
gokds tar
gokd tsar
gokd satr
gokd stra
ogls star
glos star
gosl star
gol sstar
golss tar
gols tsar
gols satr
gols stra
oglf star
glof star
gofl star
gol fstar
golfs tar
golf tsar
golf satr
golf stra
ogld atar
glod atar
godl atar
gol datar
golda tar
gold taar
gold aatr
gold atra
ogld dtar
glod dtar
godl dtar
gol ddtar
goldd tar
gold tdar
gold datr
gold dtra
ogld srar
glod srar
godl srar
gol dsrar
golds rar
gold rsar
gold sarr
gold srra
ogld syar
glod syar
godl syar
gol dsyar
golds yar
gold ysar
gold sayr
gold syra
ogld stsr
glod stsr
godl stsr
gol dstsr
golds tsr
gold tssr
gold sstr
gold strs
ogld stae
glod stae
godl stae
gol dstae
golds tae
gold tsae
gold sate
gold stea
ogld stat
glod stat
godl stat
gol dstat
golds tat
gold tsat
gold satt
gold stta
Transposition = adjacent pairs of letters are swapped
Omission = individual letters are missed out
Repetition = individual letters are entered twice consecutively
QWERTY substitution = letters are replaced by each of their QWERTY-keyboard based physical neighbours (e.g. 'h' gets replaced with y, u, j, n, b, g)
QWERTY repetition type 1 = letters are followed by each of their QWERTY-keyboard neighbours
QWERTY repetition type 2 = letters are preceded by each of their QWERTY-keyboard neighbours