Below is a list of potential QWERTY keyboard 'typos' (typing mistakes) for the phrase 'fast diet', from the free online typo generator. Enter another phrase to see possible typing errors, or select from one of the "top typos" charts.
fast diet
afst diet
fsat diet
fats diet
fas tdiet
fastd iet
fast idet
fast deit
fast dite
saft diet
ftsa diet
fa tsdiet
fasd tiet
fastid et
fast eidt
fast dtei
tasf diet
f stadiet
fadt siet
fasi dtet
fastedi t
fast tied
tsaf diet
f tsadiet
fad tsiet
fasid tet
fasteid t
fast teid
afs tdiet
afstd iet
afst idet
afst deit
afst dite
fsa tdiet
fsatd iet
fsat idet
fsat deit
fsat dite
fatsd iet
fats idet
fats deit
fats dite
fas tidet
fas tdeit
fas tdite
fastd eit
fastd ite
fast idte
asft diet
fsta diet
fat sdiet
fas dtiet
fastdi et
fast iedt
fast deti
sfat diet
ftas diet
fa stdiet
fasdt iet
fasti det
fast edit
fast dtie
ast diet
fst diet
fat diet
fas diet
fast iet
fast det
fast dit
fast die
ffast diet
faast diet
fasst diet
fastt diet
fast diet
fast ddiet
fast diiet
fast dieet
fast diett
QWERTY Substitution
dast diet
gast diet
fsst diet
faat diet
fadt diet
fasr diet
fasy diet
fast siet
fast fiet
fast duet
fast doet
fast diwt
fast dirt
fast dier
fast diey
QWERTY Repetition after
fdast diet
fgast diet
fasst diet
fasat diet
fasdt diet
fastr diet
fasty diet
fast dsiet
fast dfiet
fast diuet
fast dioet
fast diewt
fast diert
fast dietr
fast diety
QWERTY Repetition before
dfast diet
gfast diet
fsast diet
faast diet
fadst diet
fasrt diet
fasyt diet
fast sdiet
fast fdiet
fast duiet
fast doiet
fast diwet
fast diret
fast diert
fast dieyt
QWERTY Substitution Transposed
adst diet
dsat diet
dats diet
das tdiet
dastd iet
dast idet
dast deit
dast dite
agst diet
gsat diet
gats diet
gas tdiet
gastd iet
gast idet
gast deit
gast dite
sfst diet
fsts diet
fss tdiet
fsstd iet
fsst idet
fsst deit
fsst dite
afat diet
fata diet
faa tdiet
faatd iet
faat idet
faat deit
faat dite
afdt diet
fdat diet
fatd diet
fad tdiet
fadtd iet
fadt idet
fadt deit
fadt dite
afsr diet
fsar diet
fars diet
fas rdiet
fasrd iet
fasr idet
fasr deit
fasr dite
afsy diet
fsay diet
fays diet
fas ydiet
fasyd iet
fasy idet
fasy deit
fasy dite
afst siet
fsat siet
fats siet
fas tsiet
fasts iet
fast iset
fast seit
fast site
afst fiet
fsat fiet
fats fiet
fas tfiet
fastf iet
fast ifet
fast feit
fast fite
afst duet
fsat duet
fats duet
fas tduet
fastd uet
fast udet
fast deut
fast dute
afst doet
fsat doet
fats doet
fas tdoet
fastd oet
fast odet
fast deot
fast dote
afst diwt
fsat diwt
fats diwt
fas tdiwt
fastd iwt
fast idwt
fast dwit
fast ditw
afst dirt
fsat dirt
fats dirt
fas tdirt
fastd irt
fast idrt
fast drit
fast ditr
afst dier
fsat dier
fats dier
fas tdier
fastd ier
fast ider
fast deir
fast dire
afst diey
fsat diey
fats diey
fas tdiey
fastd iey
fast idey
fast deiy
fast diye
Transposition = adjacent pairs of letters are swapped
Omission = individual letters are missed out
Repetition = individual letters are entered twice consecutively
QWERTY substitution = letters are replaced by each of their QWERTY-keyboard based physical neighbours (e.g. 'h' gets replaced with y, u, j, n, b, g)
QWERTY repetition type 1 = letters are followed by each of their QWERTY-keyboard neighbours
QWERTY repetition type 2 = letters are preceded by each of their QWERTY-keyboard neighbours