Below is a list of potential QWERTY keyboard 'typos' (typing mistakes) for the phrase 'easy store', from the free online typo generator. Enter another phrase to see possible typing errors, or select from one of the "top typos" charts.
easy store
aesy store
esay store
eays store
eas ystore
easys tore
easy tsore
easy sotre
easy stroe
easy stoer
saey store
eysa store
ea ysstore
eass ytore
easyts ore
easy otsre
easy srote
easy stero
yase store
e syastore
east syore
easyost re
easy rtose
easy seort
ysae store
e ysastore
eas ystore
easts yore
easyots re
easy rotse
easy serot
aes ystore
aesys tore
aesy tsore
aesy sotre
aesy stroe
aesy stoer
esa ystore
esays tore
esay tsore
esay sotre
esay stroe
esay stoer
eayss tore
eays tsore
eays sotre
eays stroe
eays stoer
eas ytsore
eas ysotre
eas ystroe
eas ystoer
easys otre
easys troe
easys toer
easy tsroe
easy tsoer
easy soter
asey store
esya store
eay sstore
eas sytore
easyst ore
easy tosre
easy sorte
easy streo
seay store
eyas store
ea systore
eassy tore
easyt sore
easy ostre
easy srtoe
easy steor
asy store
esy store
eay store
eas store
easy tore
easy sore
easy stre
easy stoe
easy stor
eeasy store
eaasy store
eassy store
easyy store
easy store
easy sstore
easy sttore
easy stoore
easy storre
easy storee
QWERTY Substitution
wasy store
rasy store
essy store
eaay store
eady store
east store
easu store
easy atore
easy dtore
easy srore
easy syore
easy stire
easy stpre
easy stoee
easy stote
easy storw
easy storr
QWERTY Repetition after
ewasy store
erasy store
eassy store
easay store
easdy store
easyt store
easyu store
easy satore
easy sdtore
easy strore
easy styore
easy stoire
easy stopre
easy storee
easy storte
easy storew
easy storer
QWERTY Repetition before
weasy store
reasy store
esasy store
eaasy store
eadsy store
easty store
easuy store
easy astore
easy dstore
easy srtore
easy sytore
easy stiore
easy stpore
easy stoere
easy stotre
easy storwe
easy storre
QWERTY Substitution Transposed
awsy store
wsay store
ways store
was ystore
wasys tore
wasy tsore
wasy sotre
wasy stroe
wasy stoer
arsy store
rsay store
rays store
ras ystore
rasys tore
rasy tsore
rasy sotre
rasy stroe
rasy stoer
sesy store
esys store
ess ystore
essys tore
essy tsore
essy sotre
essy stroe
essy stoer
aeay store
eaya store
eaa ystore
eaays tore
eaay tsore
eaay sotre
eaay stroe
eaay stoer
aedy store
eday store
eayd store
ead ystore
eadys tore
eady tsore
eady sotre
eady stroe
eady stoer
aest store
esat store
eats store
eas tstore
easts tore
east tsore
east sotre
east stroe
east stoer
aesu store
esau store
eaus store
eas ustore
easus tore
easu tsore
easu sotre
easu stroe
easu stoer
aesy atore
esay atore
eays atore
eas yatore
easya tore
easy taore
easy aotre
easy atroe
easy atoer
aesy dtore
esay dtore
eays dtore
eas ydtore
easyd tore
easy tdore
easy dotre
easy dtroe
easy dtoer
aesy srore
esay srore
eays srore
eas ysrore
easys rore
easy rsore
easy sorre
easy srroe
easy sroer
aesy syore
esay syore
eays syore
eas ysyore
easys yore
easy ysore
easy soyre
easy syroe
easy syoer
aesy stire
esay stire
eays stire
eas ystire
easys tire
easy tsire
easy sitre
easy strie
easy stier
aesy stpre
esay stpre
eays stpre
eas ystpre
easys tpre
easy tspre
easy sptre
easy strpe
easy stper
aesy stoee
esay stoee
eays stoee
eas ystoee
easys toee
easy tsoee
easy sotee
easy steoe
aesy stote
esay stote
eays stote
eas ystote
easys tote
easy tsote
easy sotte
easy sttoe
easy stoet
aesy storw
esay storw
eays storw
eas ystorw
easys torw
easy tsorw
easy sotrw
easy strow
easy stowr
aesy storr
esay storr
eays storr
eas ystorr
easys torr
easy tsorr
easy sotrr
easy stror
Transposition = adjacent pairs of letters are swapped
Omission = individual letters are missed out
Repetition = individual letters are entered twice consecutively
QWERTY substitution = letters are replaced by each of their QWERTY-keyboard based physical neighbours (e.g. 'h' gets replaced with y, u, j, n, b, g)
QWERTY repetition type 1 = letters are followed by each of their QWERTY-keyboard neighbours
QWERTY repetition type 2 = letters are preceded by each of their QWERTY-keyboard neighbours