Below is a list of potential QWERTY keyboard 'typos' (typing mistakes) for the phrase 'cold eeze', from the free online typo generator. Enter another phrase to see possible typing errors, or select from one of the "top typos" charts.
cold eeze
ocld eeze
clod eeze
codl eeze
col deeze
colde eze
cold ezee
cold eeez
locd eeze
cdlo eeze
co dleeze
cole deze
coldee ze
cold zeee
dolc eeze
c ldoeeze
coed leze
cole edze
coldzee e
dloc eeze
c dloeeze
coe dleze
colee dze
coldzee e
cold ezee
ocl deeze
oclde eze
ocld eeze
ocld ezee
ocld eeez
clo deeze
clode eze
clod eeze
clod ezee
clod eeez
codle eze
codl eeze
codl ezee
codl eeez
col deeze
col dezee
col deeez
colde zee
colde eez
cold eeez
olcd eeze
cldo eeze
cod leeze
col edeze
coldee ze
cold ezee
lcod eeze
cdol eeze
co ldeeze
coled eze
colde eze
cold zeee
cold eeez
old eeze
cld eeze
cod eeze
col eeze
cold eze
cold eee
cold eez
ccold eeze
coold eeze
colld eeze
coldd eeze
cold eeze
cold eeeze
cold eezze
cold eezee
QWERTY Substitution
xold eeze
vold eeze
cild eeze
cpld eeze
cokd eeze
cols eeze
colf eeze
cold weze
cold reze
cold ewze
cold erze
cold eexe
cold eezw
cold eezr
QWERTY Repetition after
cxold eeze
cvold eeze
coild eeze
copld eeze
colkd eeze
colds eeze
coldf eeze
cold eweze
cold ereze
cold eewze
cold eerze
cold eezxe
cold eezew
cold eezer
QWERTY Repetition before
xcold eeze
vcold eeze
ciold eeze
cpold eeze
cokld eeze
colsd eeze
colfd eeze
cold weeze
cold reeze
cold eweze
cold ereze
cold eexze
cold eezwe
cold eezre
QWERTY Substitution Transposed
oxld eeze
xlod eeze
xodl eeze
xol deeze
xolde eze
xold ezee
xold eeez
ovld eeze
vlod eeze
vodl eeze
vol deeze
volde eze
vold ezee
vold eeez
icld eeze
clid eeze
cidl eeze
cil deeze
cilde eze
cild ezee
cild eeez
pcld eeze
clpd eeze
cpdl eeze
cpl deeze
cplde eze
cpld ezee
cpld eeez
ockd eeze
ckod eeze
codk eeze
cok deeze
cokde eze
cokd ezee
cokd eeez
ocls eeze
clos eeze
cosl eeze
col seeze
colse eze
cols ezee
cols eeez
oclf eeze
clof eeze
cofl eeze
col feeze
colfe eze
colf ezee
colf eeez
ocld weze
clod weze
codl weze
col dweze
coldw eze
cold ewze
cold wzee
cold weez
ocld reze
clod reze
codl reze
col dreze
coldr eze
cold erze
cold rzee
cold reez
ocld ewze
clod ewze
codl ewze
col dewze
colde wze
cold weze
cold ezwe
cold ewez
ocld erze
clod erze
codl erze
col derze
colde rze
cold reze
cold ezre
cold erez
ocld eexe
clod eexe
codl eexe
col deexe
colde exe
cold exee
cold eeex
ocld eezw
clod eezw
codl eezw
col deezw
colde ezw
cold ezew
cold eewz
ocld eezr
clod eezr
codl eezr
col deezr
colde ezr
cold ezer
cold eerz
cold eze
cold ezze
Transposition = adjacent pairs of letters are swapped
Omission = individual letters are missed out
Repetition = individual letters are entered twice consecutively
QWERTY substitution = letters are replaced by each of their QWERTY-keyboard based physical neighbours (e.g. 'h' gets replaced with y, u, j, n, b, g)
QWERTY repetition type 1 = letters are followed by each of their QWERTY-keyboard neighbours
QWERTY repetition type 2 = letters are preceded by each of their QWERTY-keyboard neighbours