Below is a list of potential QWERTY keyboard 'typos' (typing mistakes) for the phrase 'coffee tea', from the free online typo generator. Enter another phrase to see possible typing errors, or select from one of the "top typos" charts.
coffee tea
ocffee tea
cfofee tea
cofefe tea
coffe etea
coffeet ea
coffee eta
coffee tae
focfee tea
cffoee tea
coeffe tea
cofeef tea
coff eetea
coffet eea
coffeeet a
coffee aet
fofcee tea
ceffoe tea
coefef tea
cof eeftea
coffte eea
ffocee tea
ceffoe tea
coeeff tea
cof eeftea
cofft eeea
coffeet ea
ocffee tea
ocfefe tea
ocffe etea
ocffeet ea
ocffee eta
ocffee tae
cfoefe tea
cfofe etea
cfofeet ea
cfofee eta
cfofee tae
coffe etea
coffeet ea
coffee eta
coffee tae
cofef etea
cofefet ea
cofefe eta
cofefe tae
coffe eeta
coffe etae
coffeet ae
ofcfee tea
cffoee tea
cofefe tea
cofeef tea
coffe etea
coffe teea
coffeete a
coffee eat
fcofee tea
cfofee tea
coeffe tea
cofefe tea
coff eetea
coffete ea
coffeee ta
coffee ate
offee tea
cffee tea
cofee tea
coffe tea
coffee ea
coffee ta
coffee te
ccoffee tea
cooffee tea
cofffee tea
coffeee tea
coffee tea
coffee ttea
coffee teea
coffee teaa
QWERTY Substitution
xoffee tea
voffee tea
ciffee tea
cpffee tea
codfee tea
cogfee tea
cofdee tea
cofgee tea
coffwe tea
coffre tea
coffew tea
coffer tea
coffee rea
coffee yea
coffee twa
coffee tra
coffee tes
QWERTY Repetition after
cxoffee tea
cvoffee tea
coiffee tea
copffee tea
cofdfee tea
cofgfee tea
coffdee tea
coffgee tea
coffewe tea
coffere tea
coffeew tea
coffeer tea
coffee trea
coffee tyea
coffee tewa
coffee tera
coffee teas
QWERTY Repetition before
xcoffee tea
vcoffee tea
cioffee tea
cpoffee tea
codffee tea
cogffee tea
cofdfee tea
cofgfee tea
coffwee tea
coffree tea
coffewe tea
coffere tea
coffee rtea
coffee ytea
coffee twea
coffee trea
coffee tesa
QWERTY Substitution Transposed
oxffee tea
xfofee tea
xofefe tea
xoffe etea
xoffeet ea
xoffee eta
xoffee tae
ovffee tea
vfofee tea
vofefe tea
voffe etea
voffeet ea
voffee eta
voffee tae
icffee tea
cfifee tea
cifefe tea
ciffe etea
ciffeet ea
ciffee eta
ciffee tae
pcffee tea
cfpfee tea
cpfefe tea
cpffe etea
cpffeet ea
cpffee eta
cpffee tae
ocdfee tea
cdofee tea
cofdee tea
codefe tea
codfe etea
codfeet ea
codfee eta
codfee tae
ocgfee tea
cgofee tea
cofgee tea
cogefe tea
cogfe etea
cogfeet ea
cogfee eta
cogfee tae
ocfdee tea
cfodee tea
codfee tea
cofede tea
cofde etea
cofdeet ea
cofdee eta
cofdee tae
ocfgee tea
cfogee tea
cogfee tea
cofege tea
cofge etea
cofgeet ea
cofgee eta
cofgee tae
ocffwe tea
cfofwe tea
cofwfe tea
coffew tea
coffw etea
coffwet ea
coffwe eta
coffwe tae
ocffre tea
cfofre tea
cofrfe tea
coffer tea
coffr etea
coffret ea
coffre eta
coffre tae
ocffew tea
cfofew tea
cofefw tea
coffwe tea
coffe wtea
coffewt ea
coffew eta
coffew tae
ocffer tea
cfofer tea
cofefr tea
coffre tea
coffe rtea
coffert ea
coffer eta
coffer tae
ocffee rea
cfofee rea
cofefe rea
coffe erea
coffeer ea
coffee era
coffee rae
ocffee yea
cfofee yea
cofefe yea
coffe eyea
coffeey ea
coffee eya
coffee yae
ocffee twa
cfofee twa
cofefe twa
coffe etwa
coffeet wa
coffee wta
coffee taw
ocffee tra
cfofee tra
cofefe tra
coffe etra
coffeet ra
coffee rta
coffee tar
ocffee tes
cfofee tes
cofefe tes
coffe etes
coffeet es
coffee ets
coffee tse
coofee tea
cofeee tea
cofffe tea
coffe tea
Transposition = adjacent pairs of letters are swapped
Omission = individual letters are missed out
Repetition = individual letters are entered twice consecutively
QWERTY substitution = letters are replaced by each of their QWERTY-keyboard based physical neighbours (e.g. 'h' gets replaced with y, u, j, n, b, g)
QWERTY repetition type 1 = letters are followed by each of their QWERTY-keyboard neighbours
QWERTY repetition type 2 = letters are preceded by each of their QWERTY-keyboard neighbours