Below is a list of potential QWERTY keyboard 'typos' (typing mistakes) for the phrase 'brother tapes', from the free online typo generator. Enter another phrase to see possible typing errors, or select from one of the "top typos" charts.
brother tapes
rbother tapes
borther tapes
brtoher tapes
brohter tapes
brotehr tapes
brothre tapes
brothe rtapes
brothert apes
brother atpes
brother tpaes
brother taeps
brother tapse
orbther tapes
btorher tapes
brhtoer tapes
broehtr tapes
brotreh tapes
broth retapes
brothet rapes
brotherat pes
brother pates
brother tepas
brother tasep
trobher tapes
bhotrer tapes
brethor tapes
brorhet tapes
brot erhtapes
brothtr eapes
brothea trpes
brotherpta es
brother eapts
brother tspea
torbher tapes
bhtorer tapes
brehtor tapes
broreht tapes
brot rehtapes
brotht reapes
brotheat rpes
brotherpat es
brother epats
brother tsepa
rbtoher tapes
rbohter tapes
rbotehr tapes
rbothe rtapes
rbothert apes
rbother atpes
rbother tpaes
rbother taeps
rbother tapse
borhter tapes
bortehr tapes
borthe rtapes
borthert apes
borther atpes
borther tpaes
borther taeps
borther tapse
brtoehr tapes
brtohe rtapes
brtohert apes
brtoher atpes
brtoher tpaes
brtoher taeps
brtoher tapse
brohte rtapes
brohtert apes
brohter atpes
brohter tpaes
brohter taeps
brohter tapse
broteh rtapes
brotehrt apes
brotehr atpes
brotehr tpaes
brotehr taeps
brotehr tapse
brothret apes
brothre atpes
brothre tpaes
brothre taeps
brothre tapse
brothe ratpes
brothe rtpaes
brothe rtaeps
brothe rtapse
brothert paes
brothert aeps
brothert apse
brother ateps
brother atpse
brother tpase
robther tapes
botrher tapes
brthoer tapes
brohetr tapes
broterh tapes
brothr etapes
brothe trapes
brotherta pes
brother aptes
brother tpeas
brother taesp
obrther tapes
btroher tapes
brhoter tapes
broethr tapes
brotrhe tapes
broth ertapes
brothetr apes
brothera tpes
brother ptaes
brother teaps
brother taspe
rother tapes
bother tapes
brther tapes
broher tapes
broter tapes
brothr tapes
brothe tapes
brother apes
brother tpes
brother taes
brother taps
brother tape
bbrother tapes
brrother tapes
broother tapes
brotther tapes
brothher tapes
brotheer tapes
brotherr tapes
brother tapes
brother ttapes
brother taapes
brother tappes
brother tapees
brother tapess
QWERTY Substitution
vrother tapes
nrother tapes
beother tapes
btother tapes
brither tapes
brpther tapes
brorher tapes
broyher tapes
brotger tapes
brotjer tapes
brothwr tapes
brothrr tapes
brothee tapes
brothet tapes
brother rapes
brother yapes
brother tspes
brother taoes
brother tapws
brother taprs
brother tapea
brother taped
QWERTY Repetition after
bvrother tapes
bnrother tapes
breother tapes
brtother tapes
broither tapes
bropther tapes
brotrher tapes
brotyher tapes
brothger tapes
brothjer tapes
brothewr tapes
brotherr tapes
brothere tapes
brothert tapes
brother trapes
brother tyapes
brother taspes
brother tapoes
brother tapews
brother tapers
brother tapesa
brother tapesd
QWERTY Repetition before
vbrother tapes
nbrother tapes
berother tapes
btrother tapes
briother tapes
brpother tapes
brorther tapes
broyther tapes
brotgher tapes
brotjher tapes
brothwer tapes
brothrer tapes
brotheer tapes
brothetr tapes
brother rtapes
brother ytapes
brother tsapes
brother taopes
brother tapwes
brother tapres
brother tapeas
brother tapeds
QWERTY Substitution Transposed
rvother tapes
vorther tapes
vrtoher tapes
vrohter tapes
vrotehr tapes
vrothre tapes
vrothe rtapes
vrothert apes
vrother atpes
vrother tpaes
vrother taeps
vrother tapse
rnother tapes
norther tapes
nrtoher tapes
nrohter tapes
nrotehr tapes
nrothre tapes
nrothe rtapes
nrothert apes
nrother atpes
nrother tpaes
nrother taeps
nrother tapse
ebother tapes
boether tapes
betoher tapes
beohter tapes
beotehr tapes
beothre tapes
beothe rtapes
beothert apes
beother atpes
beother tpaes
beother taeps
beother tapse
tbother tapes
botther tapes
bttoher tapes
btohter tapes
btotehr tapes
btothre tapes
btothe rtapes
btothert apes
btother atpes
btother tpaes
btother taeps
btother tapse
rbither tapes
birther tapes
brtiher tapes
brihter tapes
britehr tapes
brithre tapes
brithe rtapes
brithert apes
brither atpes
brither tpaes
brither taeps
brither tapse
rbpther tapes
bprther tapes
brtpher tapes
brphter tapes
brptehr tapes
brpthre tapes
brpthe rtapes
brpthert apes
brpther atpes
brpther tpaes
brpther taeps
brpther tapse
rborher tapes
borrher tapes
brroher tapes
brohrer tapes
brorehr tapes
brorhre tapes
brorhe rtapes
brorhert apes
brorher atpes
brorher tpaes
brorher taeps
brorher tapse
rboyher tapes
boryher tapes
bryoher tapes
brohyer tapes
broyehr tapes
broyhre tapes
broyhe rtapes
broyhert apes
broyher atpes
broyher tpaes
broyher taeps
broyher tapse
rbotger tapes
bortger tapes
brtoger tapes
brogter tapes
brotegr tapes
brotgre tapes
brotge rtapes
brotgert apes
brotger atpes
brotger tpaes
brotger taeps
brotger tapse
rbotjer tapes
bortjer tapes
brtojer tapes
brojter tapes
brotejr tapes
brotjre tapes
brotje rtapes
brotjert apes
brotjer atpes
brotjer tpaes
brotjer taeps
brotjer tapse
rbothwr tapes
borthwr tapes
brtohwr tapes
brohtwr tapes
brotwhr tapes
brothrw tapes
brothw rtapes
brothwrt apes
brothwr atpes
brothwr tpaes
brothwr taeps
brothwr tapse
rbothrr tapes
borthrr tapes
brtohrr tapes
brohtrr tapes
brotrhr tapes
brothr rtapes
brothrrt apes
brothrr atpes
brothrr tpaes
brothrr taeps
brothrr tapse
rbothee tapes
borthee tapes
brtohee tapes
brohtee tapes
brotehe tapes
brothe etapes
brotheet apes
brothee atpes
brothee tpaes
brothee taeps
brothee tapse
rbothet tapes
borthet tapes
brtohet tapes
brohtet tapes
broteht tapes
brothte tapes
brothe ttapes
brothett apes
brothet atpes
brothet tpaes
brothet taeps
brothet tapse
rbother rapes
borther rapes
brtoher rapes
brohter rapes
brotehr rapes
brothre rapes
brothe rrapes
brotherr apes
brother arpes
brother rpaes
brother raeps
brother rapse
rbother yapes
borther yapes
brtoher yapes
brohter yapes
brotehr yapes
brothre yapes
brothe ryapes
brothery apes
brother aypes
brother ypaes
brother yaeps
brother yapse
rbother tspes
borther tspes
brtoher tspes
brohter tspes
brotehr tspes
brothre tspes
brothe rtspes
brothert spes
brother stpes
brother tpses
brother tseps
brother tspse
rbother taoes
borther taoes
brtoher taoes
brohter taoes
brotehr taoes
brothre taoes
brothe rtaoes
brothert aoes
brother atoes
brother toaes
brother taeos
brother taose
rbother tapws
borther tapws
brtoher tapws
brohter tapws
brotehr tapws
brothre tapws
brothe rtapws
brothert apws
brother atpws
brother tpaws
brother tawps
brother tapsw
rbother taprs
borther taprs
brtoher taprs
brohter taprs
brotehr taprs
brothre taprs
brothe rtaprs
brothert aprs
brother atprs
brother tpars
brother tarps
brother tapsr
rbother tapea
borther tapea
brtoher tapea
brohter tapea
brotehr tapea
brothre tapea
brothe rtapea
brothert apea
brother atpea
brother tpaea
brother taepa
brother tapae
rbother taped
borther taped
brtoher taped
brohter taped
brotehr taped
brothre taped
brothe rtaped
brothert aped
brother atped
brother tpaed
brother taepd
brother tapde
Transposition = adjacent pairs of letters are swapped
Omission = individual letters are missed out
Repetition = individual letters are entered twice consecutively
QWERTY substitution = letters are replaced by each of their QWERTY-keyboard based physical neighbours (e.g. 'h' gets replaced with y, u, j, n, b, g)
QWERTY repetition type 1 = letters are followed by each of their QWERTY-keyboard neighbours
QWERTY repetition type 2 = letters are preceded by each of their QWERTY-keyboard neighbours